CURO - Accounting + Analysis = Value

Monthly Archives: January 2019

5 Strategies for Getting More Work Done in Less Time

You’ve prioritized your work. Now, how do you get it done?

I love Harvard Business Review. I follow them on Twitter and read almost everything they share. Even if it doesn’t apply directly to me or my current situation, I always learn something new and useful. Today was not different.

Don’t we all need a new strategy to get more done in less time? I liked some of what was in this article.

  • Clarifying expectations is so, so important!
  • Re-using previous material sounds lazy and awful, but read this. It makes a lot of sense
  • Templates and checklists; I’d be a mess without them
  • Make it a conversation.While there’s a risk your conversation could get off topic, time spent with the right people is rarely wasted.
  • Timeboxing is a new concept to me. As I read through this suggestion, I didn’t feel like it would fit my style, but it might be right for you.

If the links are disabled, here is a pdf of the original article.

Posted Monday, January 28th, 2019.

James Clear – Atomic Habits

Have you read any James Clear?

I’ve registered for his weekly email and I quite enjoy it. I am struggling with the “old dog, new tricks” idiom. It can’t possibly be true! We’ve all seen seniors earn university degrees or become experts in new fields. But it’s a nice cop-out isn’t it. When we’re just too lazy to break an old habit or not motivated enough to start a new one. I know I can learn new ‘tricks’ but it’s not easy. So I’ll look at anything that might help.

Check out 30 One-Sentence Stories From People Who Have Built Better Habits or the pdf version here

Posted Monday, January 28th, 2019.

The Atrium

Today is my first day working at the The Atrium. Have you seen this space? What an asset to the small business community!

So far, I’m really impressed with Brandon and everything he has built here. I’ll keep you posted – or stop by and visit me! 28 Princess Ave, St. Thomas

Posted Monday, January 21st, 2019.

Leadership Freak

Don’t rush to giving advice. Be sure you know what success looks like before telling people how to achieve it. Try asking “If you succeed, what will be different?”

Dan Rockwell is one of my favourite leaders. And I appreciate the efficiency and power of a good quote. So, when both of these elements come together, I’m sold! You can expect to see lots of quotes in my archives and don’t be surprised if you become a fan of Dan Rockwell.

Posted Monday, January 14th, 2019.

Emojis and business

Do you use emojis in business communications?

The Wall Street Journal is suggesting it can improve our communications.

I do like to use the occasional 🙂 but it always feels like a risk. Read this WSJ article and let me know your thoughts!

Posted Friday, January 11th, 2019.

Happy New Year!

It’s 2019.  What are your plans for this year?

My plan is to re-start CURO!

Yes, it’s bookkeeping, but it’s also so much more than that.  I have been very fortunate to work in numerous industries and learn from many types of business leaders.  Now it’s time to take all that I’ve learned and share it with you.  I want to help you be successful!  And this is the path I’ll be on in 2019.

What are your plans?


Posted Wednesday, January 2nd, 2019.